Caterham – Corners with QPR

Leverage driving skills and football skills of Caterham F1 drivers and QPR players ahead of British Grand Prix.
Showcase performance credentials of Caterham Cars’ iconic Seven.
Our insight confirmed that fans like to see sports stars outside of their natural environment and are fascinated by the concept of ‘car football’.

Our creative solution arranged for Caterham F1 drivers to swap jobs with QPR players; F1 drivers to take corner kicks and QPR players to learn how to flick a ball by a handbrake sliding Seven.
Semi-exclusive interview access to drivers/footballers for selected media titles.
Video distributed showcasing Caterham QPR ‘corners’.

Results included:
- x4 National print coverage
- x32 online coverage
- Evening Standard page lead
- 1.9m reach via Sky Sports News feature
- 27,700 YouTube views in first week