It’s not all about the game

January 31, 2014
James Sephton

As I’m sure you are aware the Super Bowl takes place this weekend, a one of a kind sporting event with 110% American razzmatazz. The hype has been gathering at increasing speed over the last two weeks and aside from Tuesday’s Super Bowl media day the talk seems to be about anything but Sunday’s game:

  • The Super Bowl TV ads have taken a huge chunk of the internet conversation this week, the Muppets star in the new Toyota ad, Volkswagen have produced another cracker and is there anyone out there that hasn’t seen the new Budweiser ad yet? Primetime 30 second slots are changing hands for a cool $4 million but will reach an estimated 100 million viewers.
  • The Halftime show also provides something other than football to talk about, what will Bruno Mars bring to the party? It’s 8/1 he’s wearing a fur hat if you fancy a flutter!
  • There has been an unusual focus on the weather for Super Bowl XLVIII. While the big match is normally played in the heat of the south or indoors, this year we’re outdoors in New York for the first ever cold weather Super Bowl with the prospect of below zero temperatures and snow. Good luck with that.
  • Seahawks fans have also provided some have big viral hits on who’s going to the big game. Who’d have thought opening a package from FedEx could be so interesting. [youtube height=”HEIGHT” width=”WIDTH”][/youtube]
  • And every year we can guarantee to know exactly how many pizzas, avocados, chicken wings and beers will be consumed by American’s on Super Bowl Sunday. If you’re interested it’s 30 million pizza slices, 208 million avocados, 1.2 billion chicken wings and 50 million cases of beer.

Maybe by Sunday things will settle down and the focus will move to the big match and who will become ‘World Champions’ (they is a whole different blog post on why I disagree with that!). There is no clear favourite this year and we should be in line for a cracker between the legend that is Denver’s Peyton Manning and the young pretender from Seattle, Russell Wilson. It’s just a shame it starts so late and there is work in the morning…


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